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AQUASHIELD Grease 超高耐水润滑脂

信息介绍 / Information introduction

现货供应上海AQUASHIELD Grease超高耐水润滑脂多少钱凯进供  上海凯进贸易有限公司-特种润滑油脂进口服务商!原装进口,现货供应AQUASHIELD Grease 超高耐水润滑脂。        产品详情如下:                                                                                                                                                        
是否进口 类别 超高耐水润滑脂 型号 AQUASHIELD Grease
品牌 AQUASHIELD 针入度 2(mm) 稠化剂类型 锂基润滑脂
应用领域 各类船舶、潜艇、钢铁、航空(水上飞机)、海上钻井平台、露天工程机械等 颜色 Aqua Color 倾点 254

AquaShield Grease 超高耐水润滑脂


Do you have a very demanding application for grease like bearings submerged under salt water?  Aqua Shield (Formely AquaLube) grease is the product that has been selected by shipyards, vessel operators and government agencies to solve bearing problems related to water intrusion.  Our customers report twice the bearing life verses the grease they were using before. 

您对润滑脂的使用有过非常严苛的需求么,比如轴承不得不长时间浸泡在咸水里等等?Aqua Shield (原AquaLube)润滑脂就是这样一款具备超级耐水性的润滑脂,被各类船坞、船厂及相关****广为选用,用以解决轴承和齿轮等在水环境中的使用问题。根据客户反馈,使用该品牌润滑脂后相关轴承的平均使用寿命是加载其它品牌润滑脂的轴承的两倍以上。


When it cost thousands to replace a bearing and the damage it creates, companies paying a little more for a premium grease doesn't even become a worry. We sell AquaShield grease to machine shops, operators of ships, tugs, fishing vessels and aviation industry. If you want the best grease for your boat, plane or other heavy equipment, buy Aqua Shield. 





AquaShield formally called Aqua Lube, is a multi-purpose lubricant, corrosion inhibitor and sealant that is compounded specifically to cling to metal and "O" ring surfaces, provide long term lubrication, and prevent corrosion. It is designed to seal out water and contaminants.

AquaShield早前被称为Aqua Lube,是一款多用途的润滑脂、防腐蚀抑制剂和密封胶,这是一款复合产品配方,专门设计用于粘附在金属和“O”型圈表面,提供长效润滑和防腐,防水性能和抗污染性能非常出众。该产品已经成功的用于各类潜艇、海上钻井平台、钢铁工业、水上飞机等。


AquaShield is particularly effective on bearings, water pumps, "O" rings, gaskets, water filters, motors, and valves that must operate in hot or cold water, steam, pool chemicals, or salt water.  It is an excellent product for wet bearings in boats, trailer wheels, bolts or other application that must operate in aqueous or humid environments including seawater.





Excellent shear stability over long periods出色耐久的抗剪切稳定性

Retains its consistency whether in use or at rest出色的稳定性和保持性

Superior Excellent Water Proof非常出色防水性能

Lubricates, seals, and prevents rust出色的润滑、密封和防腐性能


NLGI Grade 22号针入度)


Caution - this is extremely tacky waterproof grease, use gloves to apply as it's very difficult to wash off.  Remember it’s made to work under water without washout.  We have found that mineral spirits works to remove from hands if you didn't read the warning first.  


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