吴小姐: 13923870899 QQ 718486362
独特的按键设计,为一些年老体弱的老人使用智能手机提供了方便。我们知道,老年人的眼神不是很好,很多老人的手,也控制不住的抖动。在使用智能手机的时候,让他们输入一些信息,打开一些应用, 可能都是一个不小的挑战。
Ezismart, 是源自欧洲的设计理念。产品分为两个部分。 一个部分是我们为老年人定制的QWERTY的全键盘,包含鼠标功能。另外一个部分是安装在安卓手机的应用。 通过两者结合,老人不需要触摸手机屏幕的情况下,可以操作安卓智能手机的几乎99%功能。
此产品全球**,专利设计。在市场上***,没有同行,只有客户。诚征各批发商,代理, 经销商,电商等合作。
EziSmart makes the smartphone easy and accessible to all
EziSmart system: Consists of the Ezi-PAD, the EziSmart App and (your) smartphone.
a) Ezi-PAD: A case with a full alphanumeric keypad for the smart phone. Large ergonomically designed keys.
b) EziSmart App: Makes it really easy to use call, text message and email. It is a dedicated app with safety, security and care features.
Ezi-PAD and EziSmart App can work each on their own or in combination. When used together the ease of use and security capabilities are further boosted. One press dialing, an SOS button and physical control buttons become available.
Ezi-PAD works with the smartphone using Bluetooth V.4.
Smartphone models are: Samsung S4, S6 and A3(2016).
It comes with a charging dock for ease of use. The charging dock charges both the smartphone and the Ezi-PAD.
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