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批发 曲线尺 云尺 曲线板 花样尺 绘图模板1300S

信息介绍 / Information introduction

  1203S:服装设计、美术漫画等用多功能云尺,**常用尺寸3片套装,5.5" (14cm), 6.5"(16.5cm), and 12.5" (32cm)。***透明黄色,全部3片尺都制作有双面墨槽,划线不洇纸,便于正反使用。采用加厚型柔软塑袋包装,便于长期携带保存。

  1203S:French curve set, Contains three of the most popular curves, packaged in a vinyl bag. Made of acrylic-topaz, each one offers a double-beveled inking edge to prevent smudges and a tempered, scratch-resistant surface. Sizes are 5.5" (14cm), 6.5"(16.5cm), and 12.5" (32cm). Ideal for all design works, such as drawing office, craft workers, students and general design work.


  1300S:French curves set. Ideal for all design works, such as drawing office, craft workers, students and general design works. Irregularly curved stencils are made of transparent yellow plastic. Inking edge on all sides. Each set contains 2 shapes.


  1301S:French curve set, Ideal for all design works, such as drawing office, craft workers, students and general design work. Contains three of the most popular curves, each one offers a double-beveled inking edge to prevent smudges and a tempered, scratch-resistant surface. Irregularly curved stencils are made of transparent yellow plastic.


  1308S: French curve set, ideal for all design works, such as drawing office, craft workers, students and general design work. Contains 8 pieces popular curves, each one offer a double-beveled inking edge to prevent smudges and a tempered, scratch-resistant surface. Irregularly curved stencils are made of transparent yellow plastic.


  1311: French curve, ideal for all design works, such as drawing office, craft workers, students and general design work. Irregularly curved stencils are made of transparent yellow plastic,offers a double-beveled inking edge to prevent smudges and a tempered, scratch-resistant surface.


  1312:French curve, ideal for all design works, such as drawing office, craft workers, students and general design work. Irregularly curved stencils are made of transparent yellow plastic,offers a double-beveled inking edge to prevent smudges and a tempered, scratch-resistant surface.

  另外我们还生产水洗笔 布艺彩绘笔

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