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卡博特N762 真诚推荐 上海君宜化工供应

信息介绍 / Information introduction

Junyichem Co, LTD is located in Shanghai China. We are a research and production enterprise that serve the chemical industry.we have professional research and technical service team and are committed to become a manufacturer service provider with forward-looking research of new materials in chemical industry. Serve the rubber, plastic, coating, paint,卡博特N762, ink and other industries. We have several production bases in China,卡博特N762, our products include special additives,卡博特N762, resins and functional reinforcing filler etc Junyichem provide special BETA functional additives, annual output of 3000 tons Junyichem provide BETA color master batches, annual output of 3000 tons Betachem provide quality AdvanZ resins annual output.



锦湖 ***三元乙丙胶 低度二烯:KEP-435、KEP-430H中度二烯:KEP-210、KEP-510、KEP-2320、KEP-7141、KEP-240、KEP-570P、KEP-570F、KEP-5770、KEP270、KEP-281F、KEP-2380、KEP-1030F、KEP-282F、KEP-2371、KEP-2372高度二烯:KEP-330、KEP-650L、KEP650、KEP350、KEP-2480、KEP-9590充油型:KEP-960N(F) 、KEP-980N、KEP-4640E、KEP-901、KEP-902N 二元乙丙橡胶:KEP-020P、KEP-070P、KEP-110.赞南  氢化丁腈胶 常规牌号:ZN28255、ZN35056 、ZN35058、ZN35156、ZN35158、ZN35256、ZN35258、ZN43056、ZN43058、ZN43156特殊牌号:ZN35053、ZN35153、ZN35353、ZN35355、ZN350512、ZN39057可以订制牌号 丙烯腈含量(CAN)50%


我们的产品还有:胶爱 塑解剂 Peptizaid 81、Peptizaid 83、Peptizaid 85环保芳烃油 道达尔环保橡胶增塑剂 钴盐 迪爱生 硬脂酸钴Co-STEARATE、妥儿酸钴 DICNATE TALLATE、环烷酸钴Co-NAPHTHENATE、新癸酸钴DICANTE 7000、硼酰化钴DICNATE NBC-2、DICNATE 7200综合促进剂 Betavulca E01,Betavulca F02,Betavulca F01,Betavulca M01,Betavulca S01粘合助剂 Allnex 湛新PN760, CYREZ 965,CYREZ 964加工助剂 Rubaid 胶爱 加工助剂 Disperaid 4A, Disperaid 12, Eflower 25, Eflower 63,Eflower 64, Profloer 15,Proflower-18, Peptizaid 81, Peptizaid 83,Peptizaid 85, PEG-4000,PEG-6000,PE WAX阻燃协效剂 Elkem 埃肯 Sidistar R300,Sidistar R320,Sidistar R320/U抗臭氧剂 防护体系 L-122橡胶**脱模剂,聚氨酯**脱模剂,保鲜垫布,胶片隔离剂, 英国史提芬孙STEPHENSON胶片隔离剂 ALKON7315 ALKON6500N ALKON6225 ALKON9310AA Prescott 橡胶行业检测设备,TKM  钢丝帘布裁断刀 / 纵切圆盘刀


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