三甘醇过滤器乙烯脱硫甲烷脱硫合成气脱硫精脱硫炼厂蒸汽凝结水处理炼厂蒸汽凝结水除油高温凝结水除油天然气脱汞天然气脱硫天然气脱重烃天然气凝析油脱色己二酸脱色精制煤基乙二醇精制聚醚多元醇精制铜箔电解液净化湿法磷酸净化合成酯脱色合成酯润滑油脱色塑化剂脱色油脂脱色甘油脱色电镀胶体钯金吸附电镀**脱色除异味乳酸脱色精制医用乳糖精制水解植物蛋白脱色生物酶脱色食用油除多环芳烃酒用脱色酒用去异味果汁脱色果汁除异味果汁除农药残留果汁除生物***污水处理饮用水处理VOC吸附异味治理进**性炭,诺瑞特 B SUPRA EUR活性炭。
Technical support is always close at hand. Our team of experts provides ongoing support in advising you on your specific application and treatment goals. Each team member is an expert who is committed to keeping your process running at optimum specifications and output levels. We provide our customers with a worldwide network of sales and service support including activated carbon manufacturing plants in Europe, North America and Latin America. We take our commitment to our customers very seriously. We are proud to work in partnership with you to provide our extensive technical expertise and the most choices in activated carbon. In turn, you can be assured of the best fit for your application, at an optimal price and performance.
油气回收 自 1970 年代末以来,油气回收装置 (VRU) 一直在被广泛应用,用于在汽油储存和装卸设施中控制油气挥发。这些系统能使油气饱和并进行真空再生,因此需要特殊的活性碳。 卡博特开发一种特殊柱状活性炭,用于吸附和解析汽油。这种活性碳能够大量吸附汽油、具有超高硬度、低密度和低粉尘特点,使其拥有较长的使用寿命。 防毒面具/呼吸面罩 卡博特.诺蕊特(Cabot Norit)生产多种高性能的“浸渍”活性炭产品,***用于呼吸防护用品,能***去除防御有害工业污染物和0气体,保障呼吸面罩用户的生命安全。
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