Shanghai Rijie Environmental Technology Co,南京医用手部消毒液成分., Ltd. established in 2012 and located in Shanghai, is a Sino-Japanese joint venture company focusing on the development and production of disinfection products and disinfection equipment in the field of disinfection technology. Our advantages include but not limited to owning a robust R&D team, advanced automatic production lines, rich global logistic as well as multilingua linternational trading experience. We has long term commitment to manufacture JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液),南京医用手部消毒液成分,南京医用手部消毒液成分.佳姆巴有效含量极低,对人无危害,可随时随地使用。南京医用手部消毒液成分
由于Viruse极其容易通过空气传播,因此,若家中有人***了Norwalk Viruses,呕吐或腹泻后,即便快速度清理,也阻挡不了它在空气中蔓延。而这个时候,就需要对被污染的家具、地板以及衣服等进行消毒。 需要强调的是,医用酒精并不能起多大的作用。即便症状消失后3天内,身上携带的Viruse依然有较强传播力,痊愈后3天都不要去人群聚焦的地方,以免造成再次传播。 要想预防Norwalk Viruses中招,注意病例管理、手卫生和消毒隔离至关重要。 保持良好的手卫生是预防Norwalk Viruses和控制传播非常重要、有效的措施。因为Norwalk Viruses对乙醇不敏感,因此,接触患者、疑似患者时,可使用佳姆巴手部消毒液正确清洁消毒手部,并且按照“六步洗手法”顺序实施手卫生。温州无刺激医用手部消毒液厂家保持良好的手卫生是预防有害致病菌和控制传播的有效措施,清洁手部后,使用佳姆巴手部消毒液免洗消毒手部。
佳姆巴手部消毒液,其主要成分系生命体免疫杀菌物质——次氯酸,直接穿透细菌壁膜,杀灭致病菌,并***其残留蛋白;自然亲肤,经口无毒,对眼睛、皮肤、黏膜、手部等无刺激、无残留、无腐蚀、免漂洗,轻松之间,彻底洁净。 针对流感病 毒,日本食药监管部门对佳姆巴做过专项检测报告,安全性与杀菌效果都很优越每年禽流感和流感病发时期,日本的疾控**都会呼吁学校、幼儿园、大型公共场所使用含有次氯酸的佳姆巴洗手,切断**,保证民众的公共卫生健康。
医务人员手卫生与院感预防控制关系密不可分。 正确手卫生的首要问题就是正确选择适合的手消毒液,面对市场上的各类产品,不要盲目采购,不要被「各类病菌**」这样的噱头所吸引,只有经过专业检测机构检测并写入安评说明书内的手部消毒液才可以放心安全的使用。 佳姆巴手部消毒液: 主要成分:次氯酸 杀菌效果:样品原液作用30s,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的杀灭率大于99.999%。样品原液作用1min,对白色***的杀灭率大于99.99%。(国内专业机构检测,并编入安评说明书内)。 安全性:采用食品级原料生产,急性经口无毒、多次完整皮肤无刺激。大家去医院后,尽量戴口罩;接触公共设施之后,一定记得勤洗手,并用佳姆巴手部消毒液清洁消毒手部!
Six-step hand-washing method of JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液) ( Medical grade/ Wash-free/ Alcohol-free hypochlorous acid/ Anti-virus) :1. Press the amount of JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液) with the area of at least one Yuan coin to teh left palm, close the fingertips of the right hand, and dip into the JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use (佳姆巴手部消毒液) with the left palm. 2. Bend the right hand finger to make the joint rotate and rub in the center of the left palm. 3. Hands palm to palm, fingers together, rub each other. 4. Two palms touch each other, fingers cross, rubbing fingers together. Rub the left palm to the right back of the hand along the fingers joint, and then exchange. 5. The rignt hand holds the thumb of the left hand to rotate and rub. 6. Disinfect the left hand according to the step 1-5 above.环境物表与手卫生?一个都不能少!无锡无刺激医用手部消毒液厂家
JIAMOVER Disinfectant Solution for hand-use(佳姆巴手部消毒液) ( Medical grade/ Wash-free/ Alcohol-free hypochlorous acid/ Anti-virus) : Effectively killing viruses and bacterias, 1 min Virus inactivation rate 99.999%. Hand is the main carrier of virus transmission, if not fully disinfected, it will cause various diseases. During the prevention and control of COVID-19, the Hospital Infection Control Forum public welfare recommend JIAMOVER as hospital disinfection products. Colorless and odorless, non-irritation; Disinfecting fingertip and finger joint; not only effective to Virus, Bacteria, but also resistant bacteria; Care for skin, fresh and not greasy. 南京医用手部消毒液成分
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